Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Closure of 70 of California's State Parks

The First 70 Trailer from Heath Hen Films on Vimeo.

On July 1st, up to 70 of California’s 279 state parks may be closed due to budget cuts enacted by the Governor and Legislature. This closure will affect 25% of California's beautiful parks will erode the state’s commitment and legacy to irreplaceable natural, cultural, and historic resources. Additionally, closing state parks will impact California’s travel and tourism industry and reduce much-needed revenues for local businesses. As the parks are shut down they will no longer be considered in the state's eyes as an asset, which will allow for lobbyists to push to have state protection of the parks removed. This will allow for timber, mining, and real estate interests to purchase bits of the parks. Although this will profit them immensely, it will devastate the national landmarks and leave the land ravaged.

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